Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Following Trends is Lame: Setting Trends ...

Hello, and welcome to another post by me, Chris Teague, V.P. of Marketing for the WIN Firm. I am following up on the previous post, "People are Buying." Today's post will open your mind to the inner-workings of my mind, which is the engine behind many of our campaigns and concepts developed here at the WIN Firm. Have you ever felt that you had the perfect idea, and then let it slip your mind? Then, months down the road, there is a news article about some person who has just perfected your idea and is doing quite well! What if you could follow a marketing blog and actually be able to put that idea to use when you have it? Our purpose for this blog is to help you in every way become the business professional or company you want to be! We will show you exactly how we create a lasting brand through cause marketing for multi-national and small mom and pop businesses. Let's get started with today's post!

Did you like the title for today's post? If not, no big deal, but I know it caught your eye and that's really all I wanted! You will discover reading all about our work at the WIN Firm, that getting your attention is what we do, but keeping your attention is how we have earned the respect of many companies throughout the world. Do you own an iPhone? Do you have the newest app? Do you "tweet" daily? Are you on FaceBook? All the questions I just asked you are part of today's trend, which is really losing touch with people. Yes, I think that Apple has done an excellent marketing job by completely making consumers dependent upon technology through their apps, but they haven't really embraced any new developing trends. We at the WIN Firm like to dig a little deeper than the surface of trends and go underground to find the next emerging trends people will gravitate to in the future. Trust me, there is no app for this work and our clients trust us completely to find these underground trends, putting them in front. As you continue to read this post, you will discover how to find an emerging trend as well, so keep up with me ok!

First, to find a new trend you must get out of your comfort zone of the current trend and see what people are doing out there in the world. The best marketers in the world are the ones that don't sit in an office everyday on the computer or attend meetings inside all day. Nope, the best marketers watch your every move and do their best to understand why you walk the way you do and talk the way you do. We follow this type of research to identify trends at WIN and you will see how effective it is for our clients. You will learn in this post the first step to being in front of the bus instead of reading the billboard on the side of the bus that has your idea as it leaves you behind.

Imagine being at the place full of people different than you that makes you feel the most uncomfortable. What are you thinking right now? I gave it a thought, and feel like everyone is seeing right through me and wants me to leave. Now, think about the people that are in this uncomfortable place. How can you relate to them so that you would be more comfortable? Think about it for a moment. You know exactly why this place makes you feel uncomfortable, so make it work for you. Imagine taking the next step and actually going to this place knowing exactly what you needed to do to be comfortable and showing up! If you can do this exercise, then you will be able to take the first step to setting a trend. If you can identify with an audience that makes you feel uncomfortable by understanding how to relate to them so you fit in, you will understand how companies keep their brands so strong and why they value marketing groups', like the WIN Firm, concepts. Concepts that position your business above the trends are ones we focus on at WIN, and we want you to learn how to be just as creative as we are! I look forward to hearing your stories of identifying new trends by leaving what's comfortable behind and embracing a new scene.

Chris Teague
V.P. Marketing
WIN Firm

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