Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Campaign Concept

Good day to all following WIN's work! I hope each of you have been blessed with a wonderful day. Again, thank you for following our work; we hope it is benefitting your marketing approaches as well. As always, I want everyone to know that our doors are open and we at WIN believe marketing should be shared instead of kept as some secret art form. We want to turn marketing into more of a science than a guessing game, so our blog is designed to be collaborative effort with all of you to ensure we are taking the proper steps that benefit our clients. Okay, here we go!

Keep Brazil Beautiful
Since our shoe company is based in Brazil, we want to give back to this beautiful country. The shoes we are marketing are the tool to be used to help raise awareness for our cause to replenish the Rain Forest. As David Pennington commented on our blog last week, wearing your shoes shows everyone you care. Therefore, we are going to take the shoe's brand to a new level of social awareness. The company and brand will be known for its social consciousness and be seen as a brand that represents YOU as caring. 

There are several causes that companies have used to promote their products and we have studied or discovered several amazing campaigns thanks to those of you who have been following us and others. We are currently posting questions all over the web and have received SUPER responses! If you responded, "THANK YOU!" 

We are taking these responses and comparing them to similar campaigns based on social causes so that we can fully understand what works. We believe marketing is a science of discovery and want to go away from the art of guessing. Our clients do not pay us to guess, so we make sure we focus on the processes needed to ensure we are not guessing; thus, this campaign is all about using what works and will work. 

We have designed the Keep Brazil Beautiful concept as an offering for other companies and you to see our brand as one that helps to replenish what it uses. How do we do this? We will operate as many non-profits do, raising money for a cause, but giving you something COOL in return; a comfortable, urban and professional looking shoe that shows YOU care. 

We are even going a step further than most companies by establishing a non-profit foundation that uses the shoes as on of its fundraising efforts for earth preservation. Our brand will connect with all those who have a heart for change and progress, but will also connect with those who want to feel good about the products they buy. These shoes are designed to be marketed around this concept of: Doing equals Caring. Keep Brazil Beautiful is about Being Beautiful. 

Come back Friday for more! 

Chris Teague
V.P. Marketing-WIN Firm

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